
How are you feeling today?

Good. Life has ups and downs, but that's the journey. Overall, my outlook is positive now. For a long time, I could not envision feeling any joy about a childless future. But here I am. I've come a long way and am stronger for it.

What are you most proud of?

Recognizing what wasn't working for me and making a change. I felt stuck and embittered for a while. It was exhausting. Changing my perspective felt scary and hard. But I was more afraid of how comfortable I'd grown with being unhappy about my life. Ultimately, I trust God is still good, even when His answer is no. And I believe He wants me to thrive despite my circumstances.

What is your biggest learning in life so far?

Developing a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset helped me realize that I can and am willing to change when something is not working for me. Also, prioritizing self-care and exercising self-compassion enables me to show up more fully for others.

What are your hopes for the future?

Dreaming again is a precious gift from God. I lost so much in my grief. My faith sustains me. And leaning into my creativity also restores my joy. It has helped me dream again. I'm a work in progress. But I'm excited to see what God has in store for me and am open to the possibilities of my future now. I'll earn my MA in Human Counseling Services with a coaching specialization this spring. I enjoy my role as an Academic Success Coach and working with adult learners. And I'm curious to see how my creativity grows this summer with extra time for new projects.

What would you tell your younger self?

I'd tell her how she'll learn to find the beauty in life, even amidst the pain. She'll come through it stronger than ever. And to be kinder to herself because self-compassion is essential, especially when coping with lifelong grief. Finally, lean into what brings her joy and energizes her because God created her just as she is, with unique strengths and gifts.

When or where are you happiest?

I'm happiest when I'm spending time with loved ones. And, especially when I'm creating something. My creativity is an outlet for my emotions. But I also love how creating something unique and beautiful enables me to play and explore new parts of myself.

What would you like to say to wider society?

Beautiful legacies are created from the heart, not the womb.

It's my mantra and response to society's harsh view and restrictive expectations of childless people. God, Himself, is the Ultimate Creator who designed a vast universe. His creative work demonstrates how diversity is essential to His original design for humanity. So let's celebrate our unique differences because there is an opportunity for us all to shine in some way that makes the world a brighter place.



