
How are you feeling today?

Today I am feeling happy, content and at peace with myself and the world.

What are you most proud of?

I'm most proud of overcoming the shame and feeling "less than" and realizing that I'm not defined by my childlessness. I'm proud that I'm opening up about my own story, something I was raised not to do, and my thoughts about being childless reinforced that it wasn't ok to tell my story.

What is your biggest learning in life so far?

That I don't have to (and shouldn't) internalize society's view of my fertility status.

What are your hopes for the future?

To live a purposeful life.

What would you tell your younger self?

To take care of herself - mind, body, and spirit and do what is right for her without concern about others' opinions. I'd also tell her that not being a mom doesn't mean she can't make a difference in this world.

When or where are you happiest?

I'm happiest when I'm anywhere with my husband and my dogs but I'm a homebody so I'm especially happy with them at home.

What would you like to say to wider society?

I have so much I'd like to say but I'd sum it up with a few statements:

- a person's fertility and marital status do not define them or their worth

- the decision about having a child is the most personal of decisions and the circumstances are as personal as well. Asking questions like "when are you going to have children?" or "why don't you have children?" are personal - don't ask.

- the negative assumptions and stereotypes that you have of childless people (that we're selfish, made mistakes, too focused on career, etc) are wrong. Take the time to get to know us - you'd be pleasantly surprised! 😃



